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Coach Joe Lukacs
I Partner With Financial Advisor Organizations to Co-Coach Their Advisors & Teams. Fractional Chief Advisor Performance Coach. Let's discuss adding 10%-20% of Additional Revenue Growth To Your FA Organization.



I Have Painstakingly Developed My Coaching Strategies & Systems Over 52,000 Individual Coaching Sessions Over 30 Years

I have coached & consulted with over 2,500 practices in my nearly 30-year career, resulting in over $50B of AUM, and over $500M additional revenue. I Partner With Financial Advisors To Optimize & Grow Their Practices

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Understanding The FA Success Game

What is

Holding Your Advisors Back From Doubling Their Growth Rate?

  • No written vision or plan - just survival
  • Poor daily habits and rituals
  • Lack of the right framework
  • Your mindset
  • Not aligned with the right coach

Here are some

Strategies I coach FA's to execute

  • Create a strategic business and life plan
  • Create your personal morning success ritual
  • Written daily game plan framework
  • Shift your mindset from survival to success
  • Become a master at marketing & business development
  • Win the game every day


2020 Planning Conference Testimonials

  • "
February 4, 2008, Floyd worked with Coach Joe in different groups

I have been with Joe for a number of years. Over this period of time Joe has as my staff say ( a God Send for Floyd) In fact I am not sure I could stop our agreement even if I wanted to for fear of a staff rebellion. Joe helps me stay on track because he truly cares if I improve or not. Over the last 30 some odd years I have been engaged at one tim eor another with most of the Big Name Coaches. But I never truly felt they cared as much about my success over thiers? Joe makes me feel as if I am the only person he is coaching.

Floyd Shilanski

Registered Financial Consultant, Shilanski & Associates Inc.

June 25, 2012, Tommy was a client of Coach Joe’s

Joe's process works. I think of him as one of the executives on my team and am honored to have him in my corner. He helped transform me from a practice owner to a business owner. Contact me anytime for a more thorough walk through of my experience with Joe. Tom Martin, Larson Financial

Tommy Martin

Partner & CEO at Vestia

March 12, 2009, Anthony was a client of Coach Joe’s

Coach Joe has been critical to our success, not only in business, but in life. His coaching style makes us feel like he is not just a consultant but an integral part of our team. We are at the top of our game with Joe at our side. If you are just starting in the business, or a seasoned veteran, remember, even Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal have coaches. Don't think about hiring Joe. JUST DO IT.

Anthony Parr, CFP®

Partner at The Parr McKnight Wealth Management Group

May 1, 2017, Coach Joe worked with Jay in the same group

Joe has provided more value to me as a business professional than anyone else I have met in the industry. I look back at how much I have grown and evolved over the years and am in awe of how far I have come in such a short period of time. His experience, ideas and interest in me and my goals (personal and professional) are what I value most about him

Jay Mooreland

Behavioral Coach, Speaker, Author, CFP